3D Smart Cities with LiDAR

3D Smart Cities with LiDAR

Since its emergence more than a decade ago, digital twin technology has developed into a complex and comprehensive technical system that supports the construction of new smart cities. It is also an advanced model for the continuous innovation of smart urban development and a future form of modernization of the combined “virtual and real” world.

The creation of the digital twin city leverages high-level topographic tools capable of providing comprehensive, multi-dimensional, large-scale, high-resolution data sets. As a virtual model, a digital city provides layered data about buildings, urban infrastructure, utilities, businesses, and the movement of people and vehicles. By providing this information, digital twins enable smart city development and modernization.

Traditional methods of collecting and representing 2D spatial data, such as maps and images, are no longer sufficient, and a complete upgrade of traditional survey tools is required to move to 3D modeling.  Derived 3D models indeed have a great capacity to be merged and correlated with social or economic spatial data from IoT and Big Data. Today, a very strong demand exists for integrated solutions, allowing the capture of comprehensive 3D geospatial data, with high accuracy and in a short time frame.

To illustrate a typical digital city project, CHC Navigation conducted a proof-of-concept demonstration in the Jinshan District of Shanghai, China. The total area of Jinshan District is about 600 km2. This area has rich terrain characteristics and features typical of large modern cities, such as high-rise buildings, power lines, rivers and vegetation. Discover more


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