GeoCue News – Amazing how much can change in a few months

Lewis Graham 
President, CTO
Welcome to the Q2 2020 Issue of GeoCue Group News!
Amazing how much can change in just a few months. In January we were looking forward to running as fast as we could in 2020. Now we are squarely in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, an existential threat to many small and large businesses. GeoCue is still marching forward with not much of a revision in our original 2020 plans. An impact to us is the inefficiency of collaboration when remote working. For a “manage by walking around” person like me, this is a challenge.
True View Huntsville Training Goes Remote
The major impact thus far from a customer perspective is our monthly training sessions we conduct at our Huntsville, Alabama offices. These classes already had a waiting list and now we have had to move them to a remotes context. Our first attempt of this occurs this month (April) so please forgive us if it is a bit rough. Due to the difficulty of logistics with remote training, we are limiting the class to customers who are acquiring a True View 410 system within the next month.

For folks who want detailed views of the True View 410 3D Imaging Sensor but are not acquiring one in the next 30 days, we are adding an approximate 3 hour (yes, we have a few breaks!) True View Webinar. We will provide detailed technical information, workflow demonstrations and a look at the two different business models we offer for the system.

LP360 Update
Look for a new release of LP360 (2020.1) within the next month or so. We have a number of new features in this code base that will help with LIDAR processing speed. We continue to enhance multithreading in many areas, significantly reducing processing time. We have redesigned both the noise filter and ground classifiers to handle very dense drone LIDAR data (e.g. 200 pts/m2). An additional tool has been added for smoothing data from noisy LIDAR scanners such as the Velodyne systems. We will be presenting this data smoother in a webinar within the next month. Thus if you are not now using LP360 (sUAS licensing level) for your drone LIDAR data processing, you need to give it a look.

Terrrasolid Update
I think everyone has been successful in upgrading to the new 2020 Terrasolid licensing and software. As usual, there are many new features being constantly introduced into this product set. One of the more interesting developments is the porting of Terrasolid to a new CAD platform, Spatix. By the end of this year, you should be able to choose this bundled solution when you are in situations where you do not rely on MicroStation for other functions.

Enterprise Development Update
Our Amazon Web Services (AWS) enterprise solutions development continues to gain momentum. We have had a very high-performance hyperspectral processing system up and running for over a year, serving data to Teledyne (the system sponsor), NASA and the DLR (German Aerospace Agency) as well as a number of research scientists. Our True View Reckon solution is hosted in AWS and we are now beginning some prototype work for the USDA revolving round AWS LIDAR data management. If you have a large data management problem you need to solve, give us a call.

I hope that your organization is continuing to function (albeit in compromised fashion, I am sure) in these challenging times. Please forgive us if we are a bit tardy in responding to your inquires or support needs. We are still running but we might have a slight limp! Wishing you and your families good health and spirits through these times,

Warm Regards,


The Terrasolid Suite – Beyond Airborne and Mobile Laser Scanning
Darrick Wagg, GeoCue Support Manager
A lot of people who have heard of Terrasolid know about TerraScan’s large number of tools for working with airborne laser scanning (ALS) and mobile laser scanning (MLS) datasets. Did you know, however, that many of the algorithms found therein can be used for any point cloud data no matter their origin. To accommodate, Terrasolid has been steadily adding new tools over the years to simplify the process of getting point clouds from other data sources into the product, for correcting the spatial information into real world coordinates, as well as adding more algorithms to work with a wider variety of point cloud datasets.

Note – If you liked this post click here to stay informed of all of the 3D laser scanning, geomatics, UAS, autonomous vehicle, Lidar News and more. If you have an informative 3D video that you would like us to promote, please forward to and if you would like to join the Younger Geospatial Professional movement click here.

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