Student Scholarship – Surveying and Geomatics Conference closing soon
In 2018, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) established the Student Scholarship Award program to promote outreach and engagement with colleges, universities and students by enabling them to attend ASCE-UESI conferences. This scholarship is intended to provide opportunities for students to attend a UESI conference and meet with industry professionals. Scholarship applicants who are members of ASCE-UESI are preferred but the scholarship program is open to all qualified students.
The scholarship award covers registration fees for the UESI Surveying & Geomatics 2020 Conference and a $600 stipend. The stipend is meant to help the student with travel, lodging and other related expenses. It is preferred to have matching funds secured from the student’s college or university, local ASCE Chapter, employer, or other sources to cover the remaining balance to attend the conference. All complete scholarship applications received before the application deadline will be reviewed by a committee of UESI volunteers appointed by the UESI Board of Governors. Read the full UESI Student Scholarship Policy and Procedures Document (PDF).
Please fill out all information completely. Reviewers consider all questions when making their selections.
Questions: Contact Susan Reid, UESI Manager, at
Apply today! Applications deadline is January 20, 2020.
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