GNSS – Why is that important for Mobile Mapping?

Thanks to Jeff Fagerman at Lidar USA for this article. Mobile mapping systems (MMS) are gaining rapidly in popularity and their use is spreading into many fields beyond the more technical areas of surveying and engineering. Applications for archeology, forensics and accident scene reconstruction, riot scene analysis, a multitude of agricultural and forestry applications, golf courses, game parks, and city […]

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Selecting The Appropriate GNSS Solution

Determining the appropriate GNSS solution required in your mobile lidar system can be a bit troublesome. While this is true, it is only true if your preferred vendor offers a choice and if you are aware of the choices. Most manufacturers offer only a single solution, some offer only a particular brand, and others offer a variety. It is easier […]

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SPAR 2018 Preview – LIDAR USA

LiDAR USA is an innovative pioneer in affordable mobile LiDAR solutions. Since 2010 LiDAR USA as been integrating LiDAR sensors with IMU/INS solutions to create state of the art mobile LiDAR solutions that are simple to operate and process. All of LiDAR USA’s mobile mapping systems function the same way regardless of the LiDAR sensor and IMU/INS component combination. LiDAR […]

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From GNSS to INS

Focusing on mobile mapping applications over the past several months we have looked at what is available regarding the GNSS component. Now it is time to move along to the INS. There seems to be considerable confusion and misunderstanding about the role of GNSS receivers in an INS. By this I mean it is often thought that the two were […]

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GNSS – The Rest of the Picture

Matching the GNSS solution to the project continues to be an issue. In the previous article we looked at projects that were widely varying in requirements. First we reviewed the most general case requiring positioning to only a meter or more. Next we saw how an RTK system may be an appropriate solution for UAVs with the LOS restriction and […]

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